Mission Search
>> Register Here << Info needed during registration:Fire 9179* CRN 5066 or 5067 This class will take a dive into the first
>> Register Here << Info needed during registration:Fire 9179* CRN 5066 or 5067 This class will take a dive into the first
>> Register Here <<
>> Register Here << The idea for the Alamo Fire Conference ignited, fueled by a shared commitment to empower firefighters nationwide. Our
>> Register Here << This class is a deep dive into our mission and priorities. Brothers In Battle instructor Justin McWilliams will
>> Register Here << This class is a deep dive into our mission and priorities. Brothers In Battle instructor Justin McWilliams will
>> Register Here << This course will discuss the 6 MUSTS that all firefighters must do to put victims first. Our job
>> Register Here << Fire 9125 / CRN 3088 / Spring 2024 This course is designed to give people that are traveling
>> Register Here << From the data to the drills this full day program will do a deep dive on the Firefighter
>> Register Here << In this 8+ hour class we will dive into the data from the Firefighter Rescue Survey. We will
>> Register Here << Beyond the door is not just speaking about physically searching beyond the door but thinking outside the check box that has consumed most VES training. We will use experience, statistics and tempo to occupy the spaces where victims are most likely to be found and put THEM first! We will put you in real world scenario’s, environments and layouts that will reinforce your current VES skills and when, why, or how to move beyond the standard check box VES training. Some situations include: what to do if there is no door to control, can multiple FF's perform VES, do conditions allow us to continue the search beyond the door, how to deal with access / egress problems, victim removal issues, victims presenting at windows and much more.