Mountain West Fire Conference
>> Register Here << Journey to Pocatello, Idaho the Gateway to the Northwest to better your craft and build camaraderie with your
>> Register Here << Journey to Pocatello, Idaho the Gateway to the Northwest to better your craft and build camaraderie with your
>>REGISTER HERE<< Join us for our 12th Bi-Annual Fire Conference hosted in Amboy, IL. This conference has been one of the best kept secrets in the midwest for decades. We have excellent instructors from all over the United States, including Rick Lasky, Jeff Rothmeier, Nick Ledin, and local talents such as Joe Solcani, Jason Greer, and many more.
>>REGISTER HERE<< Welcome to MHFC 2022! Whether you’re a first time student, or a returning one, we’ve got some exciting updates to our conference this year, so please read on. Our event this fall will begin with our Pre-Conference Officer-Development Series. This full-day event will take place at our host hotel and will showcase two classrooms of presentations that run side by side. You’ll have the opportunity to pick the presentations that interest you most. The following day we’ll kick off our conference with our Keynote Lecture Series! Three powerful presentations, along with merchandise sales will take place in the grand ballroom! The following two days consist of hands-on-training at various sites around the Denver area. As the student, you can pick which days, and which classes you’d like to attend, but keep in mind we offer discounts for full conference registrations. Thank you for registering and we look forward to learning alongside all of you this fall!