Come and Take It Fire Conference

>> Register Here << Three days of classes you won't want to miss. This conference is TIFMAS and HB2604 approved for Texas

Come and Take It Fire Conference2024-01-28T11:18:14-08:00

Mile High Firefighters Conference

>> Register Here << Welcome to MHFC 2023! We’re excited to host another great event coming this fall.  We’ve made some slight changes

Mile High Firefighters Conference2023-08-19T14:38:41-07:00

The Nozzle Forward

>> Register Here << This two day class will integrate the three major components of engine company work; fire behavior, hose management,

The Nozzle Forward2023-09-14T20:30:25-07:00

Effective Standpipe Operations

>> Register Here << Effective standpipe operations require firefighters to understand standpipe systems as well as understand the tasks that must be

Effective Standpipe Operations2023-08-19T14:18:17-07:00
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